Interview: Vertalo Founder & CEO Dave Hendricks – Tokenizing $500 Million In Assets On The Tezos Blockchain

Dave Hendricks is the founder and CEO of Vertalo. In this interview we discuss the following: Dave's background - where is from, what he did before Vertalo and why he decided to start Vertalo.Overview of the services Vertalo providesTokenizing 22 securities worth $22 million on the Tezos blockchainTokenizing $300 million of Real Estate on the Tezos blockchain with TzeroWhy Vertalo is using the Tezos blockchain.How the tokenized securities and digital assets will be custodied and tradedWhat's the SEC regulatory process for tokenizing securitiesWhat can we expect from Vertalo for the remainder of 2020Dave's thoughts…

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Interview: Algorand COO Sean Ford – Marshall Islands CBDC – Tokenizing Gold – Wall Street Blockchain Alliance

W. Sean Ford is the Chief Operating Officer at Algorand. In this interview we discuss the following: Sean's background - what he did before joining the crypto/blockchain industry and what made him decide to get into the industryOverview of Algorand Blockchain - history, uses cases and clients they are targetingAlgorand versus EthereumAlgorand Foundation recent grant program - 250 Million Algo Tokens allocated to develop Algorand ecosystemAlgorand Blockchain chosen as the underlying tech for Marshall Islands’ Digital Currency (CBDC)Meld partnering with Algorand and the Australian gold industry to tokenize gold Eterna Borderless Venture Studio - Eterna…

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Interview: Alex Masmej – $20K Human IPO Tokenized $Alex On Ethereum Blockchain – Rocket DeFi Loan NFT

Alex Masmejean is a crypto entrepreneur and founder of Rocket, a for-profit DAO offering loans against non-fungible tokens (NFT). He recently tokenized himself in a Human IPO valued at $20,000 with the token $ALEX. In this interview we discuss the following: Alex's background - how he discovered cryptocurrencies and started RocketRocket's DeFi Loan NFT services and how it worksWhy he decided to Tokenize himself and how did he execute on the Human IPO with the $ALEX TokenHow people can invest in him and how the process works including earnings, salary sharing etc.What he holds…

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Interview: Bryan Bishop CTO Avanti Bank – Bitcoin Dev & Scalability – BTC Vaults – Crypto Regulations

Bryan Bishop is the CTO of Avanti Bank & Trust which is located in Wyoming. Avanti is looking to provide institutional custody for digital assets. Caitlin Long is the founder and CEO of Avanti. In this interview we discuss the following: Bryan's background - how he first discovered Bitcoin, Bitcoin development work and working at LedgerX and moreHis proposal of Bitcoin VaultsBitcoin Scalability via the lightning networkBitcoin upgrade - bip119Avanti Bank's services and regulations in WyomingHis thoughts on US crypto regulationsHis patent pending for DNA data storageHis typing/transcript workHis personal outlook in the Crypto…

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Interview: Alessio Quaglini CEO & Cofounder Of Hex Trust – Institutional Custody – R3 Corda XRP – Bank Tokenization

Alessio Quaglini is the cofounder and CEO of Hex Trust, an enterprise level custody solution for digital assets. We discuss the following: Alessio's background - how he got into crypto and started Hex TrustHex Trust services - Custody, Tokenization & KYCWhich cryptocurrencies and digital assets Hex Trust provides services forWhat type of institutional clients leverage Hex TrustR3 partnership to help Asian Banks tokenize securities on the Corda blockchainIf XRP is being leveraged in anyway with the Corda blockchain His thoughts on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCS) and what impact it may have on the…

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Interview: Abdullah Almoaiqel Rain Crypto Exchange – Retail, Institutional, Custody, Crypto Trading

Abdullah Almoaiqel is one of the co-founders of the Rain Crypto Exchange, which is the first exchange to get licensed in the Middle East. The other co-founders include Yehia Badawy, AJ Nelson and Joseph Dallago. In this interview we discuss the following: Abdullah's background and how the idea came about to start Rain with the other foundersGetting license from the Central Bank of BahrainRain's services - Retail, Institutional, Custody & Upcoming Crypto TradingHow crypto's are accessed via Sharia lawHis outlook on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and outlook on the crypto market over the…

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